
Lelio Brun

Postdoctoral research scientist in Computer Science

National Institute of Informatics


I am a postdoctoral research scientist in the ZT-IoT project at NII in Tokyo.
I work with Ichiro Hasuo and Taro Sekiyama on applying formal methods to ensure security of IoT (Internet of Things) systems.

I defended my PhD thesis in 2020, Mechanized Semantics and Verified Compilation for a Dataflow Synchronous Language with Reset, written under the supervision of Marc Pouzet and Timothy Bourke.


  • Functional programming
  • Synchronous languages
  • Proof assistants
  • Security protocols analysis


  • PhD in Computer Science, 2020
    Γ‰cole normale supΓ©rieure - PSL Research University
  • MSc in Computer Science (MPRI), 2016
    UniversitΓ© Paris CitΓ©
  • MSc in Aerospace Engineering, 2013


  • Automated Security Analysis for Real-World IoT Devices

     Β·  Lelio Brun, Ichiro Hasuo, Yasushi Ono, Taro Sekiyama

    Automatic security protocol analysis is a fruitful research topic that demonstrates the application of formal methods to security analysis. Several endeavors in the last decades successfully verified security properties of large-scale network protocols like TLS, sometimes unveiling unknown vulnerabilities.

    In this work, we show how to apply these techniques to the domain of IoT, where security is a critical aspect. While most existing security analyses for IoT tackle individually either protocols, firmware or applications, our goal is to treat IoT systems as a whole. We focus our work on a case study, the Armadillo-IoT G4 device, highlighting the specific challenges we must tackle to analyze the security of a typical IoT device. We propose a model using the Tamarin prover, that allows us to state certain key security properties about the device and to prove them automatically.

    	address = {New York, NY, USA},
    	series = {{HASP}'23},
    	title = {Automated {Security} {Analysis} for {Real}-{World} {IoT} {Devices}},
    	copyright = {All rights reserved},
    	isbn = {979-8-4007-1623-2},
    	url = {https://www.leliobrun.net/publication/hasp23/paper.pdf},
    	doi = {10.1145/3623652.3623667},
    	abstract = {Automatic security protocol analysis is a fruitful research topic that demonstrates the application of formal methods to security analysis. Several endeavors in the last decades successfully verified security properties of large-scale network protocols like TLS, sometimes unveiling unknown vulnerabilities. 
    In this work, we show how to apply these techniques to the domain of IoT, where security is a critical aspect. While most existing security analyses for IoT tackle individually either protocols, firmware or applications, our goal is to treat IoT systems as a whole. We focus our work on a case study, the Armadillo-IoT G4 device, highlighting the specific challenges we must tackle to analyze the security of a typical IoT device. We propose a model using the Tamarin prover, that allows us to state certain key security properties about the device and to prove them automatically.},
    	language = {en},
    	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th {International} {Workshop} on {Hardware} and {Architectural} {Support} for {Security} and {Privacy}},
    	publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    	author = {Brun, Lelio and Hasuo, Ichiro and Ono, Yasushi and Sekiyama, Taro},
    	month = oct,
    	year = {2023},
    	pages = {29--37},
    DOI Slides
  • Equation-Directed Axiomatization of Lustre Semantics to Enable Optimized Code Validation

     Β·  LΓ©lio Brun, Christophe Garion, Pierre-LoΓ―c Garoche, Xavier Thirioux
    EMSOFT'23 Best paper

    Model-based design tools like SCADE Suite and Simulink are often used to design safety-critical embedded software. Consequently, generating correct code from such models is crucial. We tackle this challenge on Lustre, a dataflow synchronous language that embodies the concepts that base such tools. Instead of proving correct a whole code generator, we turn an existing compiler into a certifying compiler from Lustre to C, following a translation validation approach.

    We propose a solution that generates both C code and an attached specification expressing a correctness result for the generated and optionally optimized code. The specification yields proof obligations that are discharged by external solvers through the Frama-C platform.

    	series = {{EMSOFT}'23},
    	title = {Equation-{Directed} {Axiomatization} of {Lustre} {Semantics} to {Enable} {Optimized} {Code} {Validation}},
    	volume = {22},
    	copyright = {All rights reserved},
    	issn = {1539-9087},
    	url = {https://www.leliobrun.net/publication/emsoft23/paper.pdf},
    	doi = {10.1145/3609393},
    	abstract = {Model-based design tools like SCADE Suite and Simulink are often used to design safety-critical embedded software. Consequently, generating correct code from such models is crucial. We tackle this challenge on Lustre, a dataflow synchronous language that embodies the concepts that base such tools. Instead of proving correct a whole code generator, we turn an existing compiler into a certifying compiler from Lustre to C, following a translation validation approach.
    We propose a solution that generates both C code and an attached specification expressing a correctness result for the generated and optionally optimized code. The specification yields proof obligations that are discharged by external solvers through the Frama-C platform.},
    	language = {en},
    	number = {5s},
    	journal = {ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems},
    	author = {Brun, LΓ©lio and Garion, Christophe and Garoche, Pierre-LoΓ―c and Thirioux, Xavier},
    	month = sep,
    	year = {2023},
    	pages = {151:1--151:24},
    DOI HAL Slides
  • Faites-vous confiance Γ  votre thermostat ?

     Β·  LΓ©lio Brun

    Certains systΓ¨mes logiciels qui interagissent avec le monde rΓ©el ne doivent Γ©chouer sous aucun prΓ©texte, au risque de provoquer des catastrophes. Comment s’assurer que ces systΓ¨mes sont sΓ»rs ? En particulier, quel degrΓ© de confiance accorder au processus de traduction de ces logiciels vers du code exΓ©cutable ?

    	title = {Faites-vous confiance Γ  votre thermostat ?},
    	copyright = {All rights reserved},
    	url = {https://interstices.info/faites-vous-confiance-a-votre-thermostat/},
    	abstract = {Certains systΓ¨mes logiciels qui interagissent avec le monde rΓ©el ne doivent Γ©chouer sous aucun prΓ©texte, au risque de provoquer des catastrophes. Comment s’assurer que ces systΓ¨mes sont sΓ»rs ? En particulier, quel degrΓ© de confiance accorder au processus de traduction de ces logiciels vers du code exΓ©cutable ?},
    	language = {fr},
    	journal = {Interstices},
    	author = {Brun, LΓ©lio},
    	month = jun,
    	year = {2022},
  • Mechanized Semantics and Verified Compilation for a Dataflow Synchronous Language with Reset

     Β·  LΓ©lio Brun
    GDR GPL accessit prize

    Specifications based on block diagrams and state machines are used to design control software, especially in the certified development of safety-critical applications. Tools like Scade and Simulink/Stateflow are equipped with compilers that translate such specifications into executable code. They provide programming languages for composing functions over streams as typified by dataflow synchronous languages like Lustre.

    In this thesis we present VΓ©lus, a Lustre compiler verified in the interactive theorem prover Coq. We develop semantic models for the various languages in the compilation chain, and build on the verified CompCert C compiler to generate executable code and give an end-to-end correctness proof. The main challenge is to show semantic preservation between the dataflow paradigm and the imperative paradigm, and to reason about byte-level representations of program states.

    We treat, in particular, the modular reset construct, a primitive for resetting subsystems. This necessitates the design of suitable semantic models, compilation algorithms and corresponding correctness proofs. We introduce a novel intermediate language into the usual clock-directed modular compilation scheme of Lustre. This permits the implementation of compilation passes that generate better sequential code, and facilitates reasoning about the correctness of the successive transformations of the modular reset construct.

    	type = {Doctoral {Thesis}},
    	title = {Mechanized {Semantics} and {Verified} {Compilation} for a {Dataflow} {Synchronous} {Language} with {Reset}},
    	copyright = {All rights reserved},
    	url = {https://www.leliobrun.net/files/thesis.pdf},
    	abstract = {Specifications based on block diagrams and state machines are used to design control software, especially in the certified development of safety-critical applications. Tools like Scade and Simulink/Stateflow are equipped with compilers that translate such specifications into executable code. They provide programming languages for composing functions over streams as typified by dataflow synchronous languages like Lustre.
    In this thesis we present VΓ©lus, a Lustre compiler verified in the interactive theorem prover Coq. We develop semantic models for the various languages in the compilation chain, and build on the verified CompCert C compiler to generate executable code and give an end-to-end correctness proof. The main challenge is to show semantic preservation between the dataflow paradigm and the imperative paradigm, and to reason about byte-level representations of program states.
    We treat, in particular, the modular reset construct, a primitive for resetting subsystems. This necessitates the design of suitable semantic models, compilation algorithms and corresponding correctness proofs. We introduce a novel intermediate language into the usual clock-directed modular compilation scheme of Lustre. This permits the implementation of compilation passes that generate better sequential code, and facilitates reasoning about the correctness of the successive transformations of the modular reset construct.},
    	language = {en},
    	school = {Γ‰cole normale supΓ©rieure - PSL Research University},
    	author = {Brun, LΓ©lio},
    	collaborator = {Pouzet, Marc and Bourke, Timothy},
    	month = jul,
    	year = {2020},
    HAL Slides
  • Mechanized semantics and verified compilation for a dataflow synchronous language with reset

     Β·  Timothy Bourke, LΓ©lio Brun, Marc Pouzet

    Specifications based on block diagrams and state machines are used to design control software, especially in the certified development of safety-critical applications. Tools like SCADE Suite and Simulink/Stateflow are equipped with compilers to translate such specifications into executable code. They provide programming languages for composing functions over streams as typified by Dataflow Synchronous Languages like Lustre.

    Recent work builds on CompCert to specify and verify a compiler for the core of Lustre in the Coq Interactive Theorem Prover. It formally links the stream-based semantics of the source language to the sequential memory manipulations of generated assembly code. We extend this work to treat a primitive for resetting subsystems. Our contributions include new semantic rules that are suitable for mechanized reasoning, a novel intermediate language for generating optimized code, and proofs of correctness for the associated compilation passes.

    	address = {New Orleans, LA, USA},
    	series = {{POPL}'20},
    	title = {Mechanized semantics and verified compilation for a dataflow synchronous language with reset},
    	volume = {4},
    	copyright = {All rights reserved},
    	url = {https://www.leliobrun.net/publication/popl20/paper.pdf},
    	doi = {10.1145/3371112},
    	abstract = {Specifications based on block diagrams and state machines are used to design control software, especially in the certified development of safety-critical applications. Tools like SCADE Suite and Simulink/Stateflow are equipped with compilers to translate such specifications into executable code. They provide programming languages for composing functions over streams as typified by Dataflow Synchronous Languages like Lustre.
    Recent work builds on CompCert to specify and verify a compiler for the core of Lustre in the Coq Interactive Theorem Prover. It formally links the stream-based semantics of the source language to the sequential memory manipulations of generated assembly code. We extend this work to treat a primitive for resetting subsystems. Our contributions include new semantic rules that are suitable for mechanized reasoning, a novel intermediate language for generating optimized code, and proofs of correctness for the associated compilation passes.},
    	language = {en},
    	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 47th {ACM} {SIGPLAN} {Symposium} on {Principles} of {Programming} {Languages}},
    	publisher = {ACM},
    	author = {Bourke, Timothy and Brun, LΓ©lio and Pouzet, Marc},
    	month = jan,
    	year = {2020},
    	pages = {29},
    DOI HAL Slides Video
  • Towards a Verified Lustre Compiler with Modular Reset

     Β·  Timothy Bourke, LΓ©lio Brun, Marc Pouzet

    This paper presents ongoing work to add a modular reset construct to a verified Lustre compiler. We present a novel formal specification for the construct and sketch our plans to integrate it into the compiler and its correctness proof.

    	address = {Sankt Goar, Germany},
    	series = {{SCOPES}'18},
    	title = {Towards a {Verified} {Lustre} {Compiler} with {Modular} {Reset}},
    	copyright = {All rights reserved},
    	isbn = {978-1-4503-5780-7},
    	url = {https://www.leliobrun.net/publication/scopes18/paper.pdf},
    	doi = {10.1145/3207719.3207732},
    	abstract = {This paper presents ongoing work to add a modular reset construct to a verified Lustre compiler. We present a novel formal specification for the construct and sketch our plans to integrate it into the compiler and its correctness proof.},
    	language = {en},
    	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st {International} {Workshop} on {Software} and {Compilers} for {Embedded} {Systems}},
    	publisher = {ACM},
    	author = {Bourke, Timothy and Brun, LΓ©lio and Pouzet, Marc},
    	month = may,
    	year = {2018},
    	pages = {14--17},
    DOI HAL Slides
  • A Formally Verified Compiler for Lustre

     Β·  Timothy Bourke, LΓ©lio Brun, Pierre-Γ‰variste Dagand, Xavier Leroy, Marc Pouzet, Lionel Rieg

    The correct compilation of block diagram languages like Lustre, Scade, and a discrete subset of Simulink is important since they are used to program critical embedded control software. We describe the specification and verification in an Interactive Theorem Prover of a compilation chain that treats the key aspects of Lustre: sampling, nodes, and delays. Building on CompCert, we show that repeated execution of the generated assembly code faithfully implements the dataflow semantics of source programs.

    We resolve two key technical challenges. The first is the change from a synchronous dataflow semantics, where programs manipulate streams of values, to an imperative one, where computations manipulate memory sequentially. The second is the verified compilation of an imperative language with encapsulated state to C code where the state is realized by nested records. We also treat a standard control optimization that eliminates unnecessary conditional statements.

    	address = {Barcelona, Spain},
    	series = {{PLDI}'17},
    	title = {A {Formally} {Verified} {Compiler} for {Lustre}},
    	copyright = {All rights reserved},
    	isbn = {978-1-4503-4988-8},
    	url = {https://www.leliobrun.net/publication/pldi17/paper.pdf},
    	doi = {10.1145/3062341.3062358},
    	abstract = {The correct compilation of block diagram languages like Lustre, Scade, and a discrete subset of Simulink is important since they are used to program critical embedded control software. We describe the specification and verification in an Interactive Theorem Prover of a compilation chain that treats the key aspects of Lustre: sampling, nodes, and delays. Building on CompCert, we show that repeated execution of the generated assembly code faithfully implements the dataflow semantics of source programs.
    We resolve two key technical challenges. The first is the change from a synchronous dataflow semantics, where programs manipulate streams of values, to an imperative one, where computations manipulate memory sequentially. The second is the verified compilation of an imperative language with encapsulated state to C code where the state is realized by nested records. We also treat a standard control optimization that eliminates unnecessary conditional statements.},
    	language = {en},
    	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th {ACM} {SIGPLAN} {Conference} on {Programming} {Language} {Design} and {Implementation}},
    	publisher = {ACM},
    	author = {Bourke, Timothy and Brun, LΓ©lio and Dagand, Pierre-Γ‰variste and Leroy, Xavier and Pouzet, Marc and Rieg, Lionel},
    	month = jun,
    	year = {2017},
    	pages = {586--601},
    DOI HAL Slides Video


  • LustreC

    A prototype compiler for Lustre, with verification abilities and certifying compilation in mind.
  • VΓ©lus

    A prototype compiler for Lustre, verified in Coq.
  • Obelisk

    A tool to pretty-print (LaTeX) Menhir grammars.



Teaching assistant






Academic service


National Institute of Informatics
2 Chome-1-2 Hitotsubashi
101-8430 Chiyoda City
Tokyo, Japan